The AGRIColumn is a unique initiative in Romanian agribusiness. Through our weekly issues, we analyse the market from a local, regional and global perspective for the main commodities (wheat, corn, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, soybeans, etc.), we make medium and short term forecasts and provide exclusive information about the real status of the Romanian market.
Market report
- The only report with accurate and trustworthy information about agribusiness in Romania
- Weekly local, regional and global market analysis reports
- Monthly interpretation reports of WASDE estimates
- 2 weeks free trial
- Status and estimates of crops and yields
- Stock market data (Euronext, CBOT, FOREX, WTI / BRENT)
- Price fluctuations – analysing the dynamics between supply and demand and the impact on the market
- International tenders
- Analysis of short and medium term price trends
- National, regional and global weather forecast
- Farmers (our clients and the members of Romanian Farmers’ Club)
- Agribusiness market players (exporters, intermediaries, traders, distribution companies, processors, banks, IFNs)
- Authorities (Romanian Ministry of Agriculture, Romanian Presidency, ComAGRI in Romanian Parliament)

Cezar Gheorghe at a glance
Agribusiness expert, with over 20 years of experience:
- 9 years with Cargill
- 3 years with Ameropa
- 2 years with Chimpex
- 3 years with Bunge
- 4 years with Agricover
Wide area of expertise from cereals and oilseeds trade to budget development, contract negotiation, corporate reorganization, operations and profit management.
Recognition Cezar Gheorghe
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AGRI Column
GIVE US A CALL: +40 749 777 711