Business consultancy for farms
- 35 farms from 1.500 to 15.000 hectares in portfolio.
- Advice on demand regarding sales, period, where, when and how.
- 24/7 coverage of volatility risk: beforehand info in order to act accordingly, selling advices, short, mid and long term prediction of Agribusiness Market worldwide per commodity type.
- 24/7 cover of the contractual risk: contractual advices, commercial clauses (all terms) and legal clauses. Keeping risk away for seller from beginning until end, along with avoiding financial traps.
- Mitigation and disputes solving. If the unwanted still happens, we carry the mitigation and negotiation with the other counterpart via power of attorney.
- We cover the risk of uncertainty regarding the market and its volatility.

Shield your business against market jungle! One single contract of 1.000 tons could cause a 20.000 euro damage or could give a plus of 20.000 euro as revenue in Farm P&L.
Draw us few lines or just call us for details. We offer Protection in a wild market; this is our Mission and Purpose.
This service is addressed to farms and farmers.

Cezar Gheorghe at a glance
Agribusiness expert, with over 20 years of experience:
- 9 years with Cargill
- 3 years with Ameropa
- 2 years with Chimpex
- 3 years with Bunge
- 4 years with Agricover
Wide area of expertise from cereals and oilseeds trade to budget development, contract negotiation, corporate reorganization, operations and profit management.
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GIVE US A CALL: +40 749 777 711